Hull Sport are proud to announce that we have achieved 3 star rating for the BUCS Football accreditation programme which is the highest rating that a University can attain due to our football offer. To find out more about this accreditation, please click here.
At the University of Hull we have an offer for all. From a casual kick about with friends, to competing in the Hull Sport leagues on campus, representing the University of Hull Football club or volunteering/ refereeing in Football. Please scroll down to find out more on our inclusive football offer.
Staff Members
Come down for a regular kickabout with other like minded staff members from across the University.
Every Tuesday
Move for your mind; Be more active this semester in the University social sport programme. Affordable sport sessions which include equipment hire and all take place on University of Hull. Register your place by downloading the Hull Sport app.
Established in 2017 the University Staff Football team are always looking for new players to get involved in the club. Whether you are a casual player or are looking to dust boots off the we would love to see you down at either of our turn up and play sessions or a club match. if you are interested in joining please contact Hull Sport