The Festive Period is well and truly here...
For some of you January will be the exam period, of which we still have lots of ways you guys can take part in regular sport and physical activity. During the 6th - 19th January the following timetable below will be in place for the Campus Sport programme. You can book onto any of our activity via the Hull Sport app which is available for iOS and Andriod.

Exam stress relief tips
- Take regular breaks - Psychologists say we can only concentrate properly for 30-45 minutes. When you do take a break make sure you don't stay at your desk, you could go for a walk, attend one of our campus sport sessions, go to the gym or even make a cup of tea!
- Balanced diet - Fueling your body with the correct food types will help boost your productivity. Eating foods foods that are high in sugar or energy drinks will only cause highs and lows in mood swings. Eating foods such with healthy fats such as; cheese, eggs avacados or slow release foods such as porridge, sourdough bread and vegetables will help boost productivity.
- Hydration - Drink lots of water! Don't underestimate how much hydration can help.
- Stay Active - Small amounts of exercice can really help boost productivity. Releasing your bodies feel good hormone endorphins will help your body de-stress.
- Sleep - Try to get about 8 hours sleep a night. If you are worried about getting a good nights sleep. Try and schedule something to help you switch off before bed. Have a hot bath, watch a TV show or do an activity.